Mankind is on the verge of unprecedented trial in comparison with which all terrors of war and miseries of the past fade. And mankind in chase of blessing of progress became the offender of approaching miseries. It is senseless to hope that somebody will avoid global warming. The process is of irreversible character. Biological resource of the world ocean will become poor a lot because of seawater warming. The process of warming takes away oxygen from water and the process is at full speed. Usual sea currents will soon change and it will lead to dramatic change of climate in Europe. Mass desertification of fertile areas will take place. Siberia and Alaska will change into gigantic bogs – permafrost will melt. Hurricanes and floods will become many times stronger. Substantial and quick redistribution of moisture will take place on the planet and the speed of these changes won’t allow flora and fauna to adapt and they suffer irreplaceable deprivation. People and animals will not have anything to use for food.

            Densely populated areas may be liable to underflooding because of thawing and this will result in migration of population and social tension and it is difficult to forecast the consequences of it.  Many cities – centers of culture and production - will find themselves under water.

            All this will take place against a background of exceptional aggravation of the struggle for remains of fossilized energy supply on the planet. Governments of Asia, Africa and Latin America won’t be able to convince peoples of their countries to renounce the growth of well-being, founded on extraction and wider use of fossil fuel motivating this by ecological reasons. There are no odds that the governments of European countries and the USA will be able to do the same. At the existing rates of the world economic development and population upsurge total oil and gas reserves and on the planet will be suffice for 50-70 years. In this situation wars for resource control are inevitable.        

             Mass transition to coal which will be sufficient for 200 –300 years will finally destroy the ecosystem of the planet as for some 300 years   the amount of carbon dioxide thrown out into atmosphere will be equal to the amount absorbed by the ecosystem of the planet for the last 500 million years.

            There is no doubt that some steps are taken now with a view to improve the situation but it should be acknowledged that in spite of noble aims which Kyoto protocol follows it is not able to avert imminent threat even in store. Modern academic science suggests not too great possibilities in this direction.

            Hydrogen energy has much been spoken about lately. But try to obtain one kilogram of hydrogen from water, oil or gas and gripe it or pack it by other means this quite useful and explosive gas in technically acceptable capacity. For all these operations it is necessary to expend energy containing in 4 –6 kilograms of coal or oil but it is not fashionable to mention it.

            Perhaps it may be more effective to use vegetable oils as an equivalent of diesel oil. But how much fuel is it necessary to spend in order to plough fields, to gather and    harvest, how much is it necessary to spend on farmer’s needs?  What part from obtained vegetable oil can be sent to fuel market? And even it will be a half of oil gathering (that is quite optimistic) what field area will be necessary for providing all energy and transport of the planet with fuel? It shouldn’t be forgotten that we’ll have to give up areas necessary for production of foodstuff and forage. Besides this production is vulnerable from the point of view of the climate as crop capacity is influenced by many factors.

            May be we should hope for traditional solar energy? But production of photoelectric cells demands as much energy as photoelectric cells will not be able to produce for the whole service life. May be we should hope for mirror fields focusing sunlight on the usual steam-boiler? But what about wind, clouds and other weather mess? And what should we do at night? The cost itself and longevity of these mirror fields raise a lot of questions.

            Some suggests using coal for electric power stations and carbonic acid received at coal firing drive into underground bed at high pressure. But will the man get pleasure from the bomb of delayed action under his feet?  And compression itself and driving gas into underground will reduce efficiency of the electric power station significantly. Besides this process is not possible everywhere for geological reasons.

            Energy of wind is often suggested to make use of. But the matter is velocity of air current is not constant and such plants themselves are far from being recompensed so far.

            May be we should build up thermonuclear electric power stations? But worth and complexity of such equipment will be fabulous; it’s not clear at all whether it will be able to be recompensed at all. Besides materials of the reactor will be subjected to radioactivity directed by neutrons. The question of burial of structural material will be raised after their resources will be worked out and it can’t be too big as operating mode of this material of thermonuclear reactors is quite tense. Besides it is known that efficiency of such stations can’t be especially high and somehow or other heat will have to be thrown into the environment adding it to the heat that will be accumulated under the influence of greenhouse gas.

            Ordinary nuclear energy is not worth mentioning as uranium store is too small and ecological expenses are known.

            So if to sum up the actual state of affairs we should acknowledge – academic science can’t suggest an effective way out of the situation. Mankind can’t do without energy sources but with them it will not exist long in the present state of affairs.

            Let us see what is present technology based on. Today’s energetics is built up on this technology.  Existing systems of conversion of heat energy into electric one are based on vapour-water work cycles efficiency of which is within 30% for atomic and 63% for the most modern electric power stations working on natural gas. What are the main ideas that are followed by scientists and engineers when these electric power stations are built? There are two main principles: the so-called first law of thermodynamics and the law of degradation of energy. The first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy; in other words energy can’t originate from anywhere and disappear anywhere. The second postulate affirms that heat overfall is necessary for work of heat engine, i.e. thermal spring of energy (nuclear reactor, for example) and a certain cold substance, usually it is the environment where we can send that portion of heat that couldn’t be managed to change into effective work. It means that the second postulate forbids building up the heat engine that would convert heat energy into effective work. It is considered that the law of degradation of energy accumulates humanity’s experience and in this respect is in the context of common sense.

            The origin of this postulate is ascribed to engineer Carnot who viewing work of the steam-engine formulated implicitly the law of degradation of energy in 1824. It is evident that in order to use water in the boiler of the steam engine it is necessary to convert waste low-temperature steam of low pressure into water, and then feed obtained cold water into the steam-boiler again. So steam should be condensed and for that it is necessary to throw the heat of condensation into the environment.  It was the beginning of stereotype of scientific and technical thinking.  In the course of time this stereotype has become a dogma confirmed by heaps of scientific manuscripts and authority of distinguished scientists.

            This dogma is tenacious of life and so much that scientists refuse to consider the projects of facilities infringing or evading the second postulate of thermodynamics. So there is no way out of ecological crisis in the context of traditional conception.

            However we assert that there exist conditions and possibilities to change the situation for the better radically; this decision is surprisingly simple and effective and at that it is devoid of multitude of disadvantages. The problem is solved at the turn of two branches of science: chemistry of solutions and hydraulics. It is a purely engineering decision and is pronouncedly based on scientific knowledge in existence. For an inexperienced in chemistry reader we shall view the simplest examples hereinafter, for example dilution of sugar and white salt. 

            If we try to melt and evaporate for example sugar, we’ll need high temperatures and great amount of heat. But if the reader dissolves sugar in water at room temperature, he will not even notice what heat efficiency originates from this and meanwhile there is some. Dilution of both salt and sugar demands some amount of heat but too small: it is not easy to disclose it. Meanwhile evaporating crystals of salt and dissolving them in water you get destruction of the crystal and conversion of the molecules of salt from solid crystalline state into the state of free molecules. It is the result of the fact that per se dilution is a reversible chemical reaction with its own energy balance in which energy necessary for destruction of the crystal is included only as a constituent part. It is known there are substances having very low heat of dissolubility, practically equal to zero.

            However a wise reader will ask the question what is effective here. You see couple of substances can push on the piston and perform effective work if steam pressure is higher than the pressure of atmosphere. And what about the solution?

            The answer is simple! Any substance dissolved in water produces so-called osmotic pressure. Just owing to this pressure plants stretch their leaves, rigidity of stems of plants and flowers is maintained and many other things happen. Penetrating through cell membranes or more precisely being absorbed through the membrane by the solution pure water mixes with sugars, salts and other soluble substances inside cells. The solution produces hydraulic pressure inside the cells; this pressure is of osmotic nature and it bursts open cell membranes from within.

            This effect was used by ancient Egyptians in their quarries. They drilled opening in the stone, nailed up withered trunks of trees there and coated it with water; the tree swelled with the force that broke the stone! The peculiarity of osmotic pressure is that at the same quantity of dissolved salt it depends on temperature in the same way as pressure of usual gas depends on temperature. It means that it rises! So there is no need to throw out the heat of the engine based on effect of direct and reverse osmosis as it is not necessary for getting initial soluble substance in crystalline state and pure dissolvent owing to the fact that heat of dissolving is  equal to zero. It is enough to squash water through the membrane at the low temperature that s equal to the temperature of the environment. And it is quite possible just owing to dependence of osmotic pressure on temperature. Consequently Carnot’s ideas are not valid for osmotic machine/mechanism of such type and then effectiveness of such machine is not limited hard by the law of degradation of energy.

            Besides we pay our reader’s attention to the fact that steam is not used for work of such mechanism and consequently there is no need in the expensive and complicated in manufacturing steam turbine; hydraulic motor or water turbine will be quite enough. Owing to the fact that functioning of such machine will take heat energy from molecular movement of the molecules of the solution at the high temperature, heat from without should be introduced into the system.

            Osmotic machines for substances dissolving with absorption of heat can be built up in a similar manner. But in this case couples of substances should be used. If we use a couple of such substances on the basis of one dissolvent and bring them together in one contour parted by membranes then we can get the system transforming heat energy into electric one with efficiency 100%.

            Surprisingly effective thermocompressors can be built up. This equipment can take away the heat from the environment and transmit it to a more heated object. No other modern thermocompressors can compete with osmotic ones in its effectiveness. There are no obstacles in using such osmotic thermocompressors in common with the osmotic heat machine. And such combination makes the machine independent of temperature of the heat source.

            So general technical deduction is the following one: it is possible to build up the machine operating at the expense of heat in the environment. Now let’s briefly consider technical, ecological, economic and political consequences of widespread use of machines of such type.

            We can consider as an obvious drawback of such machine (if it can really be called a drawback) only the fact that large area of membranes and metal constructions which are able to withstand high pressures will be necessary for its making. Accordingly the more power is necessary the more useful capacities and weight of these technical constructions will be required.

            All other technical details do not arouse particular complexities. The cost of electric power stations will be quite moderate, though quick payback shouldn’t be expected; perhaps it’s a question of 10-15 years of exploitation for receiving the first profit. Although this period greatly depends on the prices of hydrocarbon fuel and the larger the prices the quicker payback will be. The advantage of such electric power station is that it will be quite durable.

            Working of such stations will lead neither to radiation nor chemical pollution. In case of emergency severe ecological problems can be avoided as non-volatile liquids but not volatile gases are used in this machine. Spill of liquids can be prevented by simple means. Working of the station will not depend on weather conditions, change of time of the day and night and seasons. Obviously it’s more profitable to build up such electric power stations in countries with warm climate. As the station will work cooling ambient air, atmospheric moisture will be condensed on heat exchangers of its thermocompressors. Built up in a desert such station will create a green oasis around, allow organizing agriculture and cultivate forests in dries contributing to absorption of carbonic acid of atmosphere by plants.  As a matter of fact the station will transform solar heat taken up by ground surface and transmitted to common air into electric energy. Such machine will extend cool air around itself on surface layer and take away warm air from higher layers.

            Energy spent on night lighting and heating of towns in winter, on work of radio stations and similar needs will partly go into outer space in the form of heat and electromagnetic radiation. All this means that such machine will work against global warming.

            Synthesis of usual motor hydrocarbon fuel on chemical enterprises will become profitable. For this purpose it is necessary to educe carbon out of carbonic acid of the atmosphere and hydrogen out of water. This operation requires energy and we will have it in abundance. So transferring to dangerously explosive hydrogen in transport is not necessary. Direct pumping of received by means of synthesis carbohydrates into the bowels is quite possible though it may be not required. Necessity in other ways of energy generation including nuclear and thermonuclear electric power stations ceases to have significance. Although in long-term outlook somewhere in distant cosmos nuclear or thermonuclear power system can be combined with the suggested method of conversion of heat into electricity and so get rid of the necessity to throw away low-temperature heat into cosmos and this technical task is far from being easy. Wide application of osmotic electric power stations of this kind will let reducing energy constituent of the cost of merchandise and freight services noticeably in the course of time. Europe will get energy independence.  For South-East Asia deprived of fossil fuel abundance of fuel energy will become stimulus for recurrent economic spurt. Arabian world instead of oil gains will get inexhaustible sources of fresh water: the Near and Middle East fail it.

            In general the world industrial production will undergo serious structural changes. Business dealt with chemical production and first of all synthesis will be brought to the forefront. Profession of chemist will be the most claimed in the world. Production of atomic energy materials will exclusively be subordinated to military interests and it will make non-proliferation control easier.

            So we are in a paradoxical situation. The world can be changed with the help of known to everybody processes of dilution which people watch in the cup of morning tea since childhood! On the whole humanity needs such machines promptly and now. But! Some influential part of humanity needs these very machines neither now nor in the nearest 50 years!

            To refute stated ideas confirmed by scientific calculation is not possible as they are based on one of universally recognized branches of science – chemistry of solutions. On the other hand calculations in existence prejudices the second postulate of orthodox school of classic thermodynamics that was stated by Carnot.

            What should be done in order to embody the idea into the first testing machine? First of all it is necessary to overcome standards of thinking accepted in academic science, business and political elite. Community worried by ecological state of the planet can positively influence the situation in the given case. Besides business circles, which have their own scientific base and are engaged in advanced research in the sphere of power engineering can exert influence. At least they are able to make sure of scientific consistency of the new energy conception.

            Perhaps God wishes humanity another choice. Humanity either will go the way on  which there is not successful outcome or by giving up scientific and technical and behavioural stereotypes will be able not only to survive but save as far as possible the biological variety of the planet. But it should be done quickly as it is not clear whether humanity will be able at least partly to turn back the changes of climate, which we all observe.

            The authors took necessary arrangements for protection of intellectual property.

            Readers can get to know the theory in detail on the site:    


March 29th, 2007                              Andrey Pelipenko, engineer

                                                          Nikolay Kolisnichenko, engineer                                                                                    



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